

Beyond the Thunderdome

Months of lockdown due to COVID-19 and we have had the time and opportunity to acquire new skills and catch up on the reading bucket lists. We have all changed the way we work and live.


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and WFH

With the Corona Virus moving from an Epidemic to Pandemic state, awareness, panic and late reactions have set in and the most viable form of containment seems to be reduction of social interactions aka self quarantine. However extended quarantine brings in its own set of challenges such as: food, social issues, psychological technology, etc.


IS (Information Systems) Security

....and all those jargon. What is it? Why do we need it?

There are many security products and applications. #SIEM, #Antivirus, #DLP, #Firewalls, #VPN, #IPS, #IDS, #IDM, #AAA…and the list goes on. Why are organisations having a problem with it still?


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